A Humorous and Factual Repository.


This week marked my 4th year in Germany. It went by quietly and without fanfare. I celebrated by reflecting on some memories (getting on the plane, getting off the plane, jetlag-wandering through Wiesbaden trying to figure out what a Bürgeramt was) and thinking over if I met any goals in those 4 years.

I didn’t have specific goals really. But I did want to work in a German company in an office environment, getting to know colleagues from a different culture while being in the minority. I’ve accomplished that more than once now. I couldn’t say I’m exactly where I pictured myself being 4 years ago. However that’s par for the course for me, never really being exactly where I wanted to be at one point in time. And that’s fine for me, because I change my mind a lot and have no problem forging down different paths as they become available.

I’m still writing guides for this blog and stories, I just never seem to be able to finish them. I’m hoping a writing spark comes back soon so I can push through them to the end. Sometimes what holds me back is finding the perfect images to go along with an article or story. Sometimes it’s a simple as getting stuck on formatting, which is silly. But definitely a life-long habit: getting stuck on details and having difficulty checking off a “to-do” item or end a project.

So, like these pictures from the quiet little scene in the garden on my terrace right now, I will continue to grow, nurture and carefully cultivate my path in the midst of more unkept and wild terrain.

Or I may just spring up somewhere unexpectedly and flourish there too.

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